“The Sunday Bug”

Interesting little “bug” discovered: If today (Sept 22nd, 2019) is Sunday, TECHNICALLY $lastSunday would be Sept 15th, 2019, instead of today. So to fix this, we’re going to check to see if TODAY is Sunday, and timestamp this from Midnight, this AM. No other day of the week is a problem.

Adding to that, not every web site is running in the same timezone as the server hosting the site. To compensate for this, we added a “Change Offset” feature that allows you to configure the plugin to run in your preferred timezone.

Had both of these items not been implemented, there would be a period of time, on Sunday, where no “Question of the Week” would display, even if you have one available.

Not to worry… even if you do run out of questions available, the fall back would be to simply link to The Pastoral Center’s page for that day’s “Question of the Week”, automatically.

As you can see, we have several things going on behind the scenes to prevent “The Sunday Bug” from affecting the QotW plugin’s operation!

Not yet released on WordPress.org

Shortcode: [qotw]


en Française (French), “QotW” wording hidden.
Shortcode: [qotw showqwords=”hide” dlang=”fr_FR”]

[qotw showqwords=”hide” dlang=”fr_FR”]

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